Ship Management
- Technical Supervision
- Vessel Inspection Reports
- Vessel Performance Monitoring
- Dry-dock Repairs
- Budgetary & Financial Control
- Planned Maintenance Systems
- Supplying Technical Advice to Owners
- Fuel Oil Testing & Lube Oil Sampling
- Purchasing & Inventory control
- Insurance Placement & Claims Handling
DULARI MARINE OFFERS YOU Commercial Management services
- Issuing voyage instructions
- Appointment of port agents
- Arranging surveys of cargo holds or tanks and cargo
- Nominating supercargoes
- Preparation and submission of lay time calculation
- Voyage estimating calculations
- Freight Management
- Liaising with Freight Demurrage and Defence Association
- Consulting with Owners brokers during chartering negotiations
SHIP SALE AND PURCHASE Ship Sales and Purchase
DULARIMARINE SERVICES offers a wide range of consultancy services in the area of SALE & PURCHASE of the VESSELS:
- New Building onsite Supervision
- Pre Purchase Inspections
- Naval Architecture
- Safety & Quality Services
- Insurance Services
- Condition Surveys
- Lay-up Services
- Conversion Consultancy
- Bunkering